
Côr Ieuenctid Lleisiau Llawen (7-16 oed)


Youth branch of the wonderful Lleisiau Llawen signing choir for young people aged 7-16 years old.

Côr Ieuenctid Lleisiau Llawen does more than just sing! The choir combines spoken language with Makaton signing language so to include everyone in their rehearsals and performances. 

Sessions are onTuesdayafternoons at5pmin our accessible studio space. 

The adult choir has seen huge success performing at large events in Wales like the Eisteddfod in Boduan and Caernarfon food festival, as well as on multiple S4C TV programmes, and we are excited to extend this amazing opportunity to the children of the area too!

Every child is welcome in Côr Ieuenctid Lleisiau Llawen!

£3 per session.

17:00 - Tuesday, 16 July Tickets