
Fundraising Prize Request

As a company, we receive tens of requests on a monthly basis for prizes and donations for various charities and fundraising events – and unfortunately, we are unable to please everyone.

As a social enterprise, we will always offer 2 cinema tickets for such requests. The cinema voucher will be valid for certain titles over a specified time period.

From the 1st of September 2019 – we will be introducing a new method of receiving requests for prizes. The only way to request will be by completing the following application and we will randomly select up to 20 causes/requests monthly (chosen on the first Monday of the month).

We will not offer the same cause(s)/charities a prize more than once annually – to ensure that we can support a wider range of good causes.

Please ensure that your request are sent at least one month before your event.


Charity School/Cylch Meithrin/Educational Group Community Project/Body Other


If successful – we kindly ask for us to be included in all social media posts relating to the event - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Thank you and we wish you all the best with your event.